2024 - 2025 Conductors per Grade Level

Kindergarten Conductor - Annie Staten

1st Grade Conductors - Dana McClintock, Tori Dickerson, & Gillian Kellock

2nd Grade Conductors - Lindsay Kincaid, Samantha Kabureck, Elizabeth Wheat, & Kendra McCamey

3rd Grade Conductors - Eileen O'Rourke, Kayla Jensen, Jillian Draper

4th Grade Conductors - Stacia Cruz, Tori Dickerson, & Kendra McCamey

5th Grade Conductor - Christian Linenko

SRE Conductor

THANK YOU for volunteering to help this year as a SRE conductor!

PTO is excited to share our 2nd year Classroom / School program called  Conductors...we love a good train theme!

A  conductor is an adult volunteer who helps out in their child's class to support the teacher, represent the PTO, support the school in all areas, and also help support our classroom community. Support will be help with classroom events and facilitate communication between the teacher and the other parents in the class, as well as the PTO and school-wide events.

Ideas for Conductors to do:

-Mileage club Conductor

-Teachers bday

-Stock fridge per grade level specific month

- Class Olympics 

- Specialist conductor (help PE, Steam, Librarian)

-Teacher Needs

-Snack Drives

-Kindergarten help transform classrooms

-Assign grades levels monthly stock staff fridge or snack area

Thank you for your interest in this new program!  Please fill out the information below and our Conductor Chairperson will reach out to you for next steps.  

1.) Make sure to plan on attending our first PTO Meeting on September 19th, at 5:30pm @ SRE. Any questions email: secretary@silverrailpto.org

2.) Make sure to plan on attending Conductor & Teacher meeting 

-Oct. 2nd (Meet teacher)

- Jan. 15th (reconnect with teacher)

***Any questions… please reach out to PTO Board member Jill or Shelly at info@silverrailpto.org