2nd Annual Silver Rail Elementary Fun Run
What Is It?
The 2nd Annual SRE Fun Run at Silver Rail is an exciting event designed to promote fitness and fun among our students.
Each grade level participates on a track to complete as many laps as they can working with our PE teacher, Mrs. Drake.
When & Where?
The Fun Run will take place at Silver Rail Elementary on Friday, October 4th, 2024 time TBD during regular school hours. Students will get to participate all together during this time.
Why & How Can I Help?
The Fun Run is not just a great event for the students at Silver Rail, but it’s also one of our main events that helps in raising the funds for next year’s field trips, assemblies, technology, enrichment programs, and more. This year we’re giving our students 2 ways to fundraise!
Have a parent create a page for student by visiting our funding page STAY TUNED!
Pick a funding goal base on the number of laps your student would like to try for (this is not a requirement).
Choose the display name for your student (ex: Loma P.). We recommend not using your student’s last name, but that is your discretion.
Share your page with your family, friends and community to help your student meet their funding goals.
Option 2
Have you donations sent anonymously either on this page’s form or on the fundraising page stay tuned!
We need 3-4 parents per classroom to help keep track of laps and be overall support for the event. We would love your help! If you’re interested in helping out on the big day, sign UP COMING IN SEPT. 2024.